
Showing posts with the label Appetizer

Fabulous Vegan Egg Salad Sandwich - Chickpeas ~~**~~ Köstlicher veganer Eiersalat aus Kichererbsen

Cranberry Chili Party Sausages Nigella Lawson *** ~~*** Cranberry - Chili - Cocktailwürstchen Nigella Lawson

Caprese Bacon Ciabatta Sandwich - Caprese BaconCiabatta Brötchen Chefkoch

Mediterranean Feta Herb Dip - Mediterraner Kräuter Feta Brotaufstrich

Handmade Potato Onion Pierogi **~ ** Russian Ravioli with Potato Onion Filling

French Canadian Creton Pork Paté and Homemade Flax Seed Crackers