Spanish Chickpea Soup (vegan) ~~**~~ Spanische Kichererbsensuppe (vegan) von Marta Dymek


This is the perfect soup for everyone who likes a easy ethnic soup with a little bite and mediterranean flavor... its lovely with the pop of lemon juice. You can literally make this in 20 Min. This happens to be vegan and beloved by people who avoif gluten or dairy... Its a hit with the guys as it has substance and deep flavor... great with a garlic bread of your choice .. Have fun with this... This recipe was crated by the lovely food blogger from Polan Marta Dymnek in her charmin book accidentally vegan... she has so many international recipes in there that sound lovely - this is the first i tasted and we are delighted.. Bon Appetit

Spanish Chickpea Soup

Author Marty Dymek famous polish food blogger


1 red onion, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 red bell peppers, chopped

1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp chili flakes
1 dash saffron

1 1/2 cups chickpeas ( canned or dried and soaked overnight)
1 big can san marzano tomatoes, chopped
4 cups broth (veggie)

salt & freshly group pepper to taste

Dash of EVOO per serving
chopped parsley
splash of fresh lemon juice

Time Total = 30 min

sautee the onion, celery and bell peppers in olive oil till tender and golden, add a bit of salt - about 6 min.
Add paprika, chili flakes and saffron and stir - 30 Seconds. Add the drained chickpeas, stir and let roast 1 min. Add the broth and tomatoes, salt an pepper. Let simmer with low heat for 10-15 min. Serve the hot soup with the garnish.

Spanische Kichererbsensuppe

Author Marty Dymek Buch Zufällig vegan - internationale Rezepte


1 rote Zwiebel, fein gewürfelt
2 Selleriestangen, fein gewürfelt
2 Rote Paprika,
fein gewürfelt

1 TL Paprika, geräuchert
1/2 TL Chiliflocken
1 Priese Safran

2 Dosen Kichererbsen
1 Dose gehackte Tomaten
1 Liter Gemüsebrühe

Salz & Pfeffer

Frische Petersilie, gehackt

Spritzer Zitronensaft

Zeit = 30 min


Zwiebeln, Sellerie, Paprika in Olivenöl in einem Topf erhitzen und 4-6 Minuten schmoren lassen und etwas salzen. Die Zwiebeln leicht golden werden lassen.
Paprika, Chili und Safran dazugeben und 30 Sek braten, dann die abgetropften Kichererbsen hinzufügen. Unter ständigem Rühren eine Minute lang braten, dann Tomaten, Brühe und Salz Pfeffer hinzufügen. Bei schwacher Hitze zugedeckt acht bis 10 Min köcheln lassen.
Die Suppe mit Pepersilie bestreuen und mit Zitronensaft und gutem Olivenöl beträufeln.
