SLOW COOKER GENERAL TSO’S CHICKEN *~* Slow Cooker General Tso's Hühnchen

Slow Cooker General Tso's Chicken

this is a very good recipe - I had seen this recipe for years in many cookbooks and wanted to make it... Four years ago this recipe finally ended up on top of my to try pile... wonderful  - crispy on the outside.. soft on the inside... a lovely spice and heat makes this dish very enjoyable - I can't wait to make this again.. had completely forgotten about it until it popped up in my facebook memories... you all now i have not logged very much the past years as I was so busy in my job... so here we go and keep up with the lovely dishes that are worth blogging.. :-)

I hope you enjoy this spicy easy chicken dish as much as I do - love Alissa

here you find the recipe

3 large chicken breast, chopped into bite size
1 cup cornstarch
1 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp pepper

4 tbsp hoisin sauce
4 tbsp soy sauce ( i only use Korean it is not as salty and milder)
4 tbsp rice vinegar
4 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp water
1 tsp red pepper flakes ( i added Szechuan chilies too 1/2 Tsp)
spring onions for garnish
Sesame seeds for garnish

Steamed rice

Preheat oil in a skillet over medium heat.
In a bowl whisk together cornstarch, salt, garlic salt, and pepper.  Add cornstarch mix to a ziplock bag and add the chicken. seal the bag and shake till all chicken pieces are covered in the starch mix.
Sauté in pan 2-3 min until brown. The chicken will be raw in the center at this point but that is important as it will be cooked further in the slow cooker.
In a bowl mix all sauce ingredients. Add half to the crockpot with the chicken. Cook on low for 4 hours or high for 2 hours.
Immediately before serving to add another half of sauce stir.sprinkle with garnish and serve with rice. Enjoy

Serves 4

General Tso's Hühnchen

1 Kilo Hühnchenbrust in kleine Würfel geschnitten

1 Tasse Speisestärke
1 TL Salz
1 TL Knoblauchsalz
1/2 TL Pfeffer

4 EL Hoisin sauce
4 EL Sojasauce ( ich verwende nur koreanische die ist milder)
4 EL Reisessig
4 EL Zucker

1 TL Knoblauch fein gehackt
2 EL Wasser
1/2 TL rote Chiliflocken
Frühlingszwiebeln zur Garnitur
Sesam als Deko

Gedämpfter Reis

Etwas Öl in einer Pfanne bei mittlerer Hitze erwärmen. In einer Schale die Stärke, Salz, Knoblauch salz und Pfeffer mischen. Diese Mischung in einen Gefrierbeutel geben mit dem Hühnchen und schütteln bis alle teile gut bedeckt sind. Das Geflügel in der Pfanne kurz anbraten 1-2 Min.
Dann in einer Schale die Sauce Zutaten vermischen und davon 1/2 in den Crockpot geben mit dem Hähnchen und 4 Stunden bei low und 2 Stunden bei high garen.
Vor dem Servieren die andere Hälfte der Sauce über das Geflügel geben garnieren und zu dem Reis servieren.

Bon Appetit
