Giada de Laurentiis Macaroni alla Caprese Recipe - Macaroni with Mozzarrella and Tomatoes - Makkaroni mit Mozzarella und Tomate

Macaroni Alla Caprese

by Giada de Laurentiis

If you enjoy Caprese salad but want a meal - this is your ticket and it will make you very happy as well.... Children absolutely adore this dish (for them I use Farfalle or Fusilli pasta). I happened to watch Giada di Laurentiis absentmindedly while she made that dish... when she was almost done and started to oooh and aah about the flavor and such I paid attention but missed the recipe... anyway it 's not like this is difficult. but I forgot... Then the other day I flipped through her cookbook and there it was again... My blog will help me sort my recipes and such as with all the clippings, print outs and post it in my cookbooks I lose track of what I have done and want to do.... this is I guess the problem of all food and cook Anyway to come back to this easy , kid-friendly dish.... believe me it is done in a jiffy and i am sure will please the whole family. It is also a budget recipe that will come in handy at the end of the month or if you happened to get last minute guest...

Bon Appetito Alissa

Macaroni alla Caprese

4-6 servings
1 pound macaroni pasta
3 tbsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves minced
3 cups cherry tomatoes, quartered (about 1 1/2 pints)
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, torn
8 ounces fresh mozzarella, diced (about 1 1/4 cup)

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add Pasta and cook until tender but still firm to the bite... al dente... stirring occasionally, 8-10 Min. Reserve 1/2 cup of the pasta cooking liquid, then drain the pasta and transfer to a large bowl.

Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes, salt, and pepper. As the tomatoes cook and soften, smash them with a fork. Continue to cook until the tomatoes make a chunky sauce, about 4 min. Add the tomato sauce to the bowls with the pasta and toss to combine. Stir in the basil leaves and mozzarella, then the reserved pasta water, 1/4 cup at a time, until the pasta is moist. Serve.

Macaroni alla Caprese

von Giada de Laurentiis

Also wenn Ihr Caprese mögt, dann werdet Ihr dieses einfache Gericht lieben. Es ist besonders populär bei Kindern! Es ist preiswert und besonders and den letzten Tagen des Monates eine köstliche Variante! Giada de Laurentiis ist ein ehemalige Carer betreiberin aus den USA mit einem italienischen Hintergrund sie ist eine bezaubernde TV Köchin - sehr natürlich und authetisch..
Sie hat eine gradlinige Küche wie Nigella aber eben 100% Italienisch.
Schaut Euch mal Ihre Webseite an! Sehr schöne Rezepte!!
Viel Vergnügen  Bon Appetito Alissa

Maccaroni alla Caprese

4-6 Personen

1 Pfund Maccaroni Nudeln
3 EL Olivenöl
2 Knoblauchzehen, gehackt
1 1/2 Packungen Cherrytomaten, geviertelt
1 TL Meersalz
1/2 TL frisch gemahlenen Pfeffer
1 Handvoll frische Basilikumblätter, gerupft
2 Mozzarella, gewürfelt

Die Pasta bissfest kochen, von dem Kochwasser 1/2 Tasse aufbewahren und die Nudeln abgiesen und in eine große Schüssel geben.

In der Zwischenzeit in einer Sauteuse das Olivenöl erhitzen un dden Knoblauch über mittlerer Hitze anrösten. Die Tomaten, Salz  Pfeffer hinzufügen und köcheln lassen bis die Tomaten weich werden. Dann mit einer Gabel zerdrücken und weiter simmern bis es eine klumpige Tomatensauce ergibt. Die Sauce über die Nudeln geben und durchmischen. Darüber den Mozzarella und Basilikum streuen und nun langsam das Nudel wasser darüber geben und mischen bis die Nudeln schön feucht sind. Sofort servieren.


  1. If only we could look as hot as Giada after eating this. I saw a similar recipe on Everyday Food the other day. This is a must-make no-brainer! Caprese as a meal. Couldn't be better than that!

  2. hi Sylvia - nice to meet you - isn't that ever true - i have no clue how they do this... especially Giada - she is just georgous. I hope you enjoy htis recipe - its really a no brainer - simple but very good and popular wiht the kids - cheers alissa


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